Mira Rajput had made very controversial statements about her idea of feminism and her choice of being a housewife on Women's Day. While very few have come out in support of her including her husband Shahid Kapoor. Recently, her own batch mate from her college days wrote an open letter to Mira and bashed her.
Here What She Wrote:
Dear Mira,
Having watched your interview, I feel extremely enraged today. I’ve spent three years in the same college and batch as you. I can say today with confidence that your idea of feminism is extremely flawed. Seeing you walk around with your posse in college, belittling women who were not skinny enough or did not subscribe to your fashion ‘standards’ makes me wonder what you ever did to have a moral high ground over anyone at any point. Your narrow world view is astounding, to say the least. And not to forget, how your statement about working mothers takes us years back in reaching actual empowerment of which you seem to know nothing.
With lots of aggression,
An informed feminist
Oh Ho! We wonder how Mira will react on this?