Having dark skin around the elbows and knees is common but surely not normal. Darkness could be due to dryness or a reaction with some product. Whatever the reason might be, dark knees and elbows do not look presentable and have to be treated.
Skin-lightening creams and other chemical flooded treatments do no good or the effect is just temporary. So ladies, it's time to dig into your kitchen again for these DIY packs which will result in fairer looking skin on your knees and elbows.
Take 1 spoon of coconut/olive oil and 1 spoon of white/brown sugar. Mix the two and make sure the sugar doesn't melt. If you also wish to scrub your knees, increase the amount of the ingredients.
Exfoliate your skin with this DIY scrub 2-3 times a week for about 2 months to see visible results.

- Lightening scrub
Take 1 spoon of coconut/olive oil and 1 spoon of white/brown sugar. Mix the two and make sure the sugar doesn't melt. If you also wish to scrub your knees, increase the amount of the ingredients.
Exfoliate your skin with this DIY scrub 2-3 times a week for about 2 months to see visible results.

- Oiling
This remedy has been into practice since hundreds of years. Though the results come in quite late but massaging your dark knees and elbows with coconut/olive/mustard oil before going to bed everyday should be made a part of your night-time skin care regime. Oiling provides the much-needed moisture, the lack of which makes the skin dark.
- Reduce the Skin Tone
Once the dead skin cells are removed, the skin still tends to remain dark. To reduce the tone of the skin and make it fairer, this DIY pack is wonderful.
Take 2 spoons of milk and add a spoon of baking soda to it. Mix the two to form a paste and apply it on the dark patches. Leave it to dry and wash it off with water.
Repeating this process 2-3 times a week can help you achieve fairer knees and elbows.
Follow these DIY, natural remedies to get rid of dark, unappealing skin on your elbows and knees forever.
- Image Source Pinterest.com Shreiya for @TeamGuiltyBytes
Disclaimer: Images are not original work of Guiltybytes.com.
Disclaimer: Images are not original work of Guiltybytes.com.