Sisters understand each other even in those silent days! Having one is a blessing, in the same way like having friend who knows you inside out. And when she gets married. you sigh and relax, the thought that the room is finally yours, no one to boss on you but when the reality strikes in, the wedding is over and you are finally alone in the bed it doesn't feel so good. So, here are 5 things you will relate to once your sister gets married. It's funny but it's true!
#1 Now What?
Once the wedding date is finalized, your home turns into the perfect Indian shaddi wala ghar, from your long lost aunties to the closed cousin everyone starts preparing and getting ready for the shaddi, and being the sister of the bride, you are too are in the limelight and has to run with her in all her outings. But once the wedding is over and everyone leaves you have NOTHING to do!
#2 Whom do you fight now!
Once your sister is married and you are left in your room alone, with the TV remote all yours and the whole bed as your trophy, you realise it doesn't matter anymore. You want to have those silly fights with her over tea, leaving the lights on and irritating her whenever you get the chance.
#3 As if your best friend to another city!
We know you are happy with your sister starting a whole new life, but it's an emotional phase for you too. You feel as if your best friend moved out to another city where high calling charges apply and they are out of your reach, you can't see them and be with them whenever you want. Your room suddenly looks big and empty. And that's when you start missing her.
#4 No more late night conversations!
We are technically all advanced with whatsapp calling and video calling but nothing can take over the feeling of sitting besides her sharing the same blanket and talking about any random stuff, from discussing parents to each others colleagues we have never met in our entire life. Ahh you miss it all and you are left there tossing and turning in your bed until you fall asleep.
#5 And you miss her a little too much!
Well, apart from all the sad things, there are some benefits too, there is another gang member that enters your clan (jiju). Your sister has a whole new wardrobe and you can borrow anything anytime, your sister has new topics to discuss. But jokes apart no one can ever take your sister's place, and you always and always miss her. Though you won't accept it on her face.