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PICS: Salman Khan's 51st Birthday Celebrations


Salman Khan celebrated his 51st Birthday at his Panvel farm house by partying hard with family and friends. The list includes his siblings, Iulia Vantur, Kabir Khan and many more. He also cut a cake in the shape of his brand 'Being Human' ,each letter as a separate cake and it was ordered from Le 15. Exciting part is that, like last year Iulia Vantur is very much a part of his big celebrations.

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A photo posted by NDNSP (Salman Khan) 😘😘😍😍 (@salmanyakturk) on

A photo posted by NDNSP (Salman Khan) 😘😘😍😍 (@salmanyakturk) on

A photo posted by Salman's Devotee (@salmankhandevotee) on

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A photo posted by Bina Kak (@kakbina) on

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A photo posted by Mukesh Chhabra CSA (@castingchhabra) on

A photo posted by Mukesh Chhabra CSA (@castingchhabra) on

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Happy Birthday Bhai!

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