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How To Use Neem To Cure Dandruff ?


Dandruff is a huge problem which a lot of us face. It can worsen the condition of our hair and cause additional issues which make our hair unhealthy.Dandruff causes itchiness, dryness, white flakes etc.Going all natural to treat this issue can have very good effects and can help eradicate the problem from the root.

Here's how you can cure dandruff problems with the help of an amazing ingredient called Neem.

  • Take a handful of neem leaves and put them in water , Now let the water nicely boil.Once the water gets greenish in color, put off the gas and allow the water to come back to normal temperature, discard leaves once done.Now take this water and once you are done shampooing your hair , take the last rinse from this .Do this every time you shampoo your hair .
  • Another way you can use neem to cure dandruff is by making a smooth paste by grinding some neem leaves with a little mix of water, apply this paste to your scalp, let it be there for at least 1 hour after this use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

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