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Sunscreen VS Sunblock - Whats The Difference?


Sunscreen or sunblock? Between the overwhelming choices in the sun protection aisles, we're faced with dozens of screens and blocks to choose from, in a wide variety of SPFs, so which one do we select? Finding the right product can be challenging. What most people aren't not aware of is that there are distinct differences and benefits between sunblock and sunscreen.

Here are a few things that one needs to understand first: SPF
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and is used to estimate the amount of UV radiation it normally takes to sunburn one’s skin with protective sunscreen. The “A” in UVA stands for ‘Aging’. The “B” in UVB stands for ‘Burning’.

There are also two types of Sun protection - Physical and Chemical 
Sunscreen, provides the chemical kind of protection that penetrates the skin and absorbs the UVA rays before they are able to reach and damage your dermal layer. Sunscreen can and should be used on a daily basis for regular activity like your work commute. Sunscreen is lightweight and transparent when it's applied.


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Sunblock provides the physical kind of protection which contains both organic and non-organic ingredients that sit on top of the skin acting as a barrier between your skin and harmful UV rays by reflecting or scattering UVB light. Sunblock is best used for anyone planning to spend hours in the sun at a time. Most of us don't like the idea of being covered head to toe in what looks like white paint, but that sunblock for you.

Sunblocks are formulated to shield against UVB rays, while sunscreens protect against UVA. In order to fully protect your skin, choose a broad-spectrum protection formulated sunscreen that will protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Luckily these days, formulas often contain a mixture of both sunblock and sunscreen.

About SPF
It's just a number that theorizes how long you can stay in the sun when the product in question is applied, versus going out with bare skin. But it can be tricky, and imperfect many a times. Because age, sun strength, time of day and your genes all play a part in whether or not that number rings true for you. To simplify the confusion as per Indian summers one can go with an SPF 30. According to studies, it blocks about 97% of the harsh rays that cause serious damage. It's said that SPF 45 blocks about 98%.

Ideally, sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes prior to sun exposure to allow it to be fully absorbed into the skin.
Reapplication depends on your activity level and duration of sun exposure. Also if you’ll be in the water or sweating a lot, it is best to reapply frequently.

That's all that one requires!!! Have a great summer ya'll.

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