Be good to your skin. It is your first line of defense against the rigors of the outside world, and taking care of it should be a priority at every stage of life.To protect against long-term damage, work good habits into your routine, and always keep in mind that your skin is vital to helping you put your best face forward.
Here are few ways to help Reverse The Sun Damage your skin might have experienced.
- Water, water, and more water. We all know that we need to drink plenty of fluids during the day, and this is never truer than when you’re out in the sun. It’s hot, it’s dehydrating and it’s never been easier just keep a bottle of water with you.
- Help prevent sun spots and sun damaged skin with frequent sunscreen application, daily moisturizer and improving your nutrition.
- Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you are out in the sun and again at least every two hours thereafter.