(C) Guiltybytes
Everyone I have ever met in my 25 years of existence has shaved at least twice or thrice in his or her lives! While most people consider shaving as a last minute, i-am-getting-late option, Shaving can greatly help you combat unwanted hair issues and still be the fastest, easiest and the cheapest alternative for hair removal! In Today’s post I am going to be debunking 3 key myths associated with shaving and how the right type of blade and technique helps me with this process!
Everyone I have ever met in my 25 years of existence has shaved at least twice or thrice in his or her lives! While most people consider shaving as a last minute, i-am-getting-late option, Shaving can greatly help you combat unwanted hair issues and still be the fastest, easiest and the cheapest alternative for hair removal! In Today’s post I am going to be debunking 3 key myths associated with shaving and how the right type of blade and technique helps me with this process!
admit, I prefer Shaving over using hair removal creams any day. Shaving is an
instantaneous option especially when you are pressed for time. For my photo
shoots and blog events, or a date with my fiancée I pick my Gillette Venus
razor and run it on my legs and arms securely. My shaving schedule is super
simple for I use my razor blade every once a week that amounts to a total of 4
times shave a month.
1 Shaving makes your hair grow thicker, darker and faster.
absolutely doesn’t alter hair’s thickness, colour or rate of growth. The truth
is that shaved hair often lacks the finesse seen at the ends of unshaven hair
and that gives it an overall impression of abrasiveness. As for the darkness,
the new hair lacks environmental exposure and so it looks darker. Also, when it
comes to the hair growth, shaving removes the dead portion of hair and doesn’t
even affect the skin’s surface so it is improbable to affect the rate or type
of growth.
2 Shaving leaves skin dry and flaky.
myth holds no truth, as shaving is a kind of skin exfoliation that ultimately
helps skin feel smooth by bustling away the top layer of dead skin. So shave
and get a renewed skin in minutes.
3 Shaving alters or change skin color (patchy skin) or hair color in anyway.
we really need to address this myth! Shaving doesn’t change your skin’s colour
and it never altered mine either. Our skin colour depends on the melanin
pigments and lots of environmental factors. Using a razor or the shaving cream doesn’t
change the melatonin levels. Incase you felt that your skin is turning patchy
or flaky then it could also be a cause of fluctuating hormonal levels in your
body and shaving has no effect on this!
So girls, worry not and you too should try the Gillette
Venus razor for a cost effective and hassle form of hair removal. You can buy
Gillette razor now on www.bit.ly/BuyVenusAmazon.