For the starters, I am guilty of not using a lip liner every time I get ready. And for all the times I have used one, I can't help but notice the significant difference it makes to my lips and my over all makeup look. A bold, red colored lipper is actually worthless without a matte base for a clean, defined look when done minus the liner.
for the 2017 makeup trends, lip liner tops the list for many makeup artists across the globes. A lot of international makeup brands are now transforming their lipstick line into the liner range to make lipstick application far more effective and defined.
So while liner is important, just make sure to not use a pencil that is darker than your lipstick. Choose a liner that matches your colour, so that the overall finish is smooth and even. Alternatively, pick a nude liner that goes well with your skin-tone and original lip colour as your perfect lipstick base. 2017 is also doing away with the concept of over drawing on your lips, use your pencil and stick to our original lip outline for a more natural look.
While liners are becoming big this year, tackle those lip liners that create all the tragedies when the gloss or lipstick fades away. My only pro tip here is to ensure that you fill your lips completely with the liner even before you apply a gloss or a lipstick. Try doing it lightly or intensify it as per the colour on your lipstick. Wear your liner as a lip stain so that you have your lips covered in a sultry colour all the time!!